The Worst Survey Questions Ever? You Responded!
Gee, I know you don’t like bad survey questions but I didn’t realize how much! The best question drawn from one of my past lessons is “How is it possible for organizations to think they are doing us a favor by wasting our time on annoying and useless surveys?” Incredible.
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It was tough to choose from all those great responses, but here are the top 4 quotes from the series:
Erin wrote: Ack! I know organizations want to know *everything* but if they could limit their questions to the most important thing, response rates would be through the roof.
Tracy: The worst question I saw was for a product I was returning: “Were you happy with this product?” Um.. NO, I’m returning it! I felt like these survey questions aren’t written by humans.
Sarah: On a recent survey, they emphasized there would be repercussions if we did not answer honestly, yet the last question was “What’s your favorite chocolate bar?” So bizarre.
Heather: Worst are multiple choice survey questions where there is no option for ‘other’. Essentially it requires me to lie – unappreciated! I usually disengage instead.
Thank you to everyone who submitted! /Doc